Finally doing it! - Advice and ideas welcome

Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:53 pm

I've had an idea for a character that's haunted the back of my mind for years. I've always "not done it" because of the preparation I felt would be involved in a game like this. Since cleaning out my mod list, I actually made some time to sit down and think this through and on paper, I think I can do it. The addition of TIE into my game and removing OOO I think is what has gave me this avenue. TIE makes the world a much more sinister and dangerous place without adding additional quests and content that wouldn't be necessary or appropriate for a game like the one I have in mind. It makes for a much more unforgiving game but adds a lot of atmosphere.

This character is born and raised in the Imperial City. She is a spy/assassin for the Empire. Her job, keep the Emperor safe. This goes above and beyond the scope of the Blades. A well paid assassin who takes out threats before they get too close. She has informants all over the city as well as in different areas in Cyrodiil. She has a bought and paid for home courtesy of the Empire in the Imperial City along with hidey-holes and stashes in key areas around Cyrodiil. She is largely unknown and only a few key people in her story know who she is and what she does. She obviously will start out poorly equipped as I intend to have her go through the tutorial dungeon because it fits with her story. Only after she can actually reach her stashes will things perhaps improve for her. If it's still there. And the Imperial City will be off limits for a good while for obvious reasons :wink:

This story requires a certain amount of meta-gaming on my part which I'm fine with. For the sake of the story as it's intended, it will be necessary. However the parts that aren't that way will be handled the way the character would see fit at the time. It will heavily revolve around the MQ and there is a bit of a love/hate under-story so to speak that will rear its ugly head through the course of things. This part of the story could get ... I don't want to say "racey" but might be too much for some folk so I'm not sure. I don't intent to write trash but it may push a PG-13 rating.

Now to those of you who write heavily, where do you prefer to do it? I've seen some have blogs, others write at and others write in fan-fic here. Where do you feel most comfortable and why? Keep in mind that I can only write when I have some free time. So I'm thinking once a week updates. Maybe once every two weeks to assure a quality write. What are your thoughts?

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alicia hillier
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