Thought I would post this for any that are interested in trying it and see if they get the same results.
I always play as a sorceress, my twist on a mage, so I do not know how this will do with other characters.
It is said that the Vampire hood is not attainable. Wrong. I do not know if this was fixed in the very long patch they put out, or if it is only on the Legendary game disk.
My release date Skyrim disk finally got worn enough that I put in the Legendary Game disk, and started 2 new characters, both being a sorceress. I joined the Dawnguard, and went and recuited the 2 people needed. When I went back and talked to Isran, he sent me on a quest to talk to some Jarl about a vampire posing as a good person. After the vampire was dealt with, I received the whole vampire outfir, which included the vampire robes, the vampire gloves, the vampire boots and the vampire hood. I received the whole outfit with both characters. Also, these items can be duplicated on the dummy in the cellar at Winstad Manor. I now have 5 of each one.
Also, I have been in the Soul Cairn at least 7 times. Never have I received and weapons over glass or dwarven. With these 2 characters, and the Legendary game disk, when I killed the 3 keepers, with one I received a Dragonbone Bow with 24 arrows, another I received a Dragonbone sword, and with the last I received a Dragonbone mace.
I play on the xbox, so there is no mods to use, and was wondering if anyone else found these items, and if there was anything else "different" between the regular Skyrim game disk and the Legendary Skyrim game disk.