Is there a mod that makes followers kneel for longer when they are defeated and set to essential instead of them getting up immediately?
Is there a mod that makes followers kneel for longer when they are defeated and set to essential instead of them getting up immediately?
Hobbling about on the ground is what the Essential tag does to them nowdays.
I have a follower Dl (Marielle Geonette) on my DovKroniid Redoubt (nexus link in sig. below) page that has an attached script "DownButNotOut". This prevents health recovery for @ 20 game minutes if she gets to bleed-out mode. While she is essential and cannot die, this prevents her from being too invincible. If you push her, she will be out of the fight for 20 minutes and you are on your own - and You can die! makes it a little more fun. I attach this script to all my followers that I made.
It is a relatively easy script to make, I got tips on the Creation kit forum.
Some people do not like these kinds of mods - so you may have to make your own, or borrow the one I made.
I don't know if there's a mod but I think bleed out overide should do the trick. Just go to the actor and edit it, see if that helps.
That's exactly what I need, I don't want my followers to die but they make the game too easy if essential.
I don't suppose you could tell me how to "borrow" the script you made?
Um, I don't know how to do that, or what it would entail. Console commands?