Making H.E.L.L.U.V.A. Rotate

Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:10 am

For those that haven't noticed, I'm back. I have also jumped in with both feet back into modding Morrowind. I have several projects in the works.
Purpose of this thread is to enlist help with making the current HELLUVA Weapons, Weapon Rotate compatible.
One of my projects is to update both the armor and weapons. Since I have a few projects ahead of the weapons, now is a good time to get caught up with making the weapons work with Rotate.

To that end I need scripters/testers. Not complex scriptng just adjusting the current WR scripts and then check them in game to ensure they work properly. Then pass them to me and I will merge them to make a complete work.

1. You WILL get credit for your work
2. You will be responsible that your work works!(This mean check it out in game before sending it to me.)
3. As I add weapons more of this work will need doing.

I have a structure in mind to try and keep it uniform and identify anybody's work and minimize confusion.
Really, all I require from the scripter is ensure you change the name of each script by using a 2 or 3 letter tag in front of your name, whatever you normally use and part of the actual weapon ID in the cs for identification purposes.

I haven't did a hard count but estimate nearly 1000 weapons need script adjustments. Many hands make light work.

So, I will end with this. If this is something you would desire in your game and you have even limited scripting skill(really you are only adjusting coordinates), step up.

I would prefer you make a claim on what you would like to do to keep double work down.

Doesn't matter if you do 20 or 200, I just need help. My scriping skills include copy/paste.
Some people can script some people have the patience to contact 100's of modders and put nearly 1600 weapons into one mod.


If there is a high quality scripter out there that really want's a challenge to a large mod that will change how weapons are seen in MW. Contact me via PM.
Not for the feint of heart, Ground work already laid. 1st scripter-MIA, 2nd scripter-Large current workload.

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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:00 am

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