Fortify Pickpocket enchant and potion glitch

Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:42 pm

Playing on a higher level character with lvl 100 pickpocket and Alchemy, and Ive noticed that when using a potion of fortify pickpocket or equips ive enchanted to enhance pickpocket, the percent chance to pickpocket gold goes down. . .

Now, I'm experienced but not quite an expert, but last time I checked I should have a higher chance after equiping the items or using the potions. . .

This is a constant effect and the last time I had it happen was about 2 weeks ago, and now that it has happened agian I know something is wrong.

PLZ Fix. It is VERY annoying and frustrating.

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claire ley
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:19 pm

I've had the same problems with the fortify pickpocket potions and enchantments. I agree, this bug is very frustrating, especially since pickpocketing is already hard at low skill levels. Apparently, this is a and has existed since at least the release of the 1.3 update in January 2012 (if not since Skyrim released on 11/11/11). The bug appears to only effect picking pockets; placing items into pockets seems to be unaffected. Sadly, it probably will never be fixed, because the developers are apparently done with Skyrim.

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Enie van Bied
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