How many Characters Do you haveuseplan to have

Post » Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:50 pm

No specific number, just make one when I want one. Either if I want to try a new playstyle, a new RP, start over, etc. The ones I have in mind right now are:

-Light Armor Dual Wield. Damager. Just kill everyone (RP-wise, probably savage with little care for honor).

-Battlemage. Damager. Just kill everyone (RP-wise, try to be thoughtful like a Mage would be, but honor is irrelevant).

-Sniper/Assassin. Sneak killer. Kill people from the shadows (RP-wise, merciless and dishonorable).

-Heavy-Armor Sword and Shield/2h. Open melee fighter/tank (RP-wise, knight-ish, noble/honorable but a little brash).

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Tamara Dost
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