First; appeared two boxes that said "oblivion.ini file not found" and "quality and something- are set to defaults." Well, I spooked and quickly launched the game trough OBMM to test if its working... allright, everythings fine.
I changed the quality settings back at the launcher as they were before this sudden thing, and didn't get any more errors. Allright, I launched again trough OBMM and everything was fine, until I noticed the game says I don't have any save files. Oh damn, I checked the Saves folder, it's in the right place, it contains all the save files I had, nothings changed, everything's OK, still the game simply won't find the files.
So can anyone tell what the heck just happened and how am I able to fix it?
//AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH now the game wont even launch, as I try to launch it no matter where, nothing happens.
I don't wanna sound like a 10-year old angry kid, but now I seriously feel like that. This kind of issues destroyed my Fallout 3, and now they destroyed Oblivion too, WHAT IS WRONG WITH BETHESDAS GAMES SERIOUSLY!!!
So I think my only option is reinstall, but if I save my saves and mods elsewhere and put them back where they're supposed to be, will they still work or did I lost all my saves?
//Okay, updating: as my only option I reinstalled Oblivion... now I have the Save1.ess save file in another folder, as I start a new game and the Oblivion.ini and the Saves folder show up, and I drag the Save1.ess in the Saves folder, will it work like normal?