I have another issue that I think I'm screwed, unless if someone can help.
I completed Purity of Revenge and Glory of the Dead quests from the Companion storyline. I asked Farkas to give me a job, he gave me the job to clear the leader of Haemar's Shame.
I previously cleared the Haemar's Shame during A Daedra's Best Friend quest where I bring Barbas back. I remember when I arrived there, there was two ash piles already there (I didn't kill them, and haven't visited there previous the A Daedra's Best Friend quest).
After giving the job to clear the Haemar's Shame, there wasn't any quest pointers, and I can't even click on "Show on Map" when Trouble in Skyrim quest is active. I decided to go there anyways, and I met with the Vampire and Vampire Master. Now I know why there was two ash piles in my previous visit. Killed them...it didn't update the quest. I went to Farkas anyways, and he says, "I already given you a job, get to it!"
Am I screwed? I have the save prior to going in Haemar's Shame, but not prior to given the quest...the Autosave overrode the previous one. I didn't think it would give me any issues, so I deleted all my other saves prior to finding out about this issue. I'm bummed since I read somewhere that the "Kill the leader of so-and-so" quests are randomized, and I could have just loaded up a previous save and get a random place to attack.
Thanks for any help. And no...I can't do fix via console as this is X360.