gonna be honest, I don't think Illusion will be of much help...
bring a large load of health and magika potions... if you have any conjuration spells use them... if you did the Darkbrotherhood I find the good ole Spirit of Lucien LaChance to help alot if you summon him bout half way through...
when he goes and activates his "shield" above the Alter, quickly hit him with an arrow from Auriels Bow, this breaks the shield almost instantly (and the Shield causes him to regain health, so the quicker you take it down the better)
(I have heard Sun Hallowed Arrows do extra damage on him, but have not seen any proof)..
Why do you HAVE to use Vampire lord form, why not just try to kill him as you would any other enemy? Or how about lowering the difficulty.
It's because he absorbs more health than the damage you can deal.