Having put close to a thousand hours into Skyrim its come to my attention that since Bethesda is shifting its efforts to compete in the over saturated MMO market, where does that leave the Elder Scrolls, or the single player role playing experience for that matter? For years Bethesda has released the best single player role playing games ever made. Its only competitor "imo" is Bioware to a lesser degree & after the ME3 ending catastrophe, a massive portion of their fanbase was lost.
So what does that mean for games like Skyrim? Will there be another single player experience that can compete with it? With so many companies flocking to the MMO scene to compete over consumers $15.00 a month or to nickel & dime them to death through micro-transactions, what incentive is there for companies to make quality games like Skyrim where profit can only be generated through the initial game sales & DLC?