I have read on this and read on this so I know a little bit. I've been playing Skyrim for only two weeks now. I'm still a newb. When you read up on other games online there are definites. This game is about to make me pull my hair out with all it's might happen and maybe and if you got a patch and if you don't and if you're on PC or on Console. I have never seen so much conflicting data.
I am trying to get a house on a low budget.
I opted for Riften even tho I wanted to avoid thieves and assassins and little orphan annie's cruel cage. I was in a hurry for this and already piffed off some dude by not talking to him and can't advance a quest. I am playing a holy good upright High Elf who joined the Stormcloaks to stop my evil people (those other elves who's names I can't remember) from taking over the human world; the jerks. I want to abide the laws (if the stupid deity stuffed Scooby-doo would stop nosing my a.r.s.e at the counters and making me steal against my will when I'm to tired to reload the last save point) to the best of my ability. Outside of war no murder and no stealing for me (pirates and dark elves non-withstanding).
I am most likely the only person ever to not advance the main quest line so maybe no one knows. I cannot get any jarl to talk to me about buying a house! I am about to collapse from all the tiny quests I'm doing for people in Riften. Is it that on vanilla no patched Xbox Skyrim you can't buy a home unless you advance the MAIN story line?
Plz help.
Idk if these forums are heavy moderated because I never posted here in detail before but if you don't think you can give me a complete answer without spoilers please feel free to join yahoo and help me out over there where I posted my question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130911051031AAVOgUL&r=w
Thx in advance!