Vampire and Immersion mod suggestions

Post » Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:08 am

Heya Everybody,

Not sure if this was the correct subforum, or if it belonged in the modding forum (i figured the mod forum was for WIP mods).


Can i get some input on these mods that i have picked out? i know that BV is good, but what about the others? good, bad, resource hog, will set your pc on fire, etc.

-Better Vampire mods...have known about it for a while, def getting this

-Lively Inns and Taverns by Demidekinasu

-Immersive Patrols by Scrabbulor

-Enhanced Lights and FX by Anamorfus

-Fast Travel timescale fix by RolloLG

-Immersive Armors by Hothtrooper44

Also can i get suggestions on what mods will be able to do the following?

Looking for a mod that gives NPCs realistic sleep patterns. If you go into a vanilla bandit hideout whether it is daytime or night it's always the same people in the same spots it seems. What i would like is if i go into a bandit hideout during the day, they will be out and about with maybe 2 or 3 people sleeping. But if i go into the same bandit hideout at night, then there are more people asleep with only a few nightshift guards walking around.


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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:51 am

First things first, I'd say get and the Skyrim Script Extender. They're both really important for mods that might have a lot of scripts or data, like a lot of overhauls and immersion stuff. SkyUI has a mod management thing included in it, which a lot of things use for their toggles in-game.

If you're going for immersion, there are mods like,,, and things like that. A lot of the mods on the Nexus under the 'Immersion' category are really stellar, in my opinion. Of course, Frostfall and RND have settings for vampires being immune to hypothermia and starvation, on default. You can disable that setting, if you choose to, and they're still pretty neat, otherwise.

I'd also suggest, which gives you the ability to bind a key to toggle the compass. It also causes health, magicka, and stamina bars to fade away much faster when they're full, and it makes your cross-hair invisible when it's not in use. There are other mods that aren't major that I find useful, like a, a, and everything.

I don't play vampires, myself, so I don't really have any mods for them. However, looking around the Nexus a bit will probably yield fair results.

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jaideep singh
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Post » Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:47 pm

Also i was playing vanilla earlier and that was when i first got vampirism. But i ended up getting caught in the daylight. I knew that your health and stamina didnt regen, BUT i didnt know that your face would get burned and charred. Now that i have Better Vampires installed how do i go about resetting my face to its unburned look? Do i have to go from stage 1-4 then feed? will getting cured reset my face? or do i have to get cured then see the face sculptor? unless i'm mistaken you cannot use the face sculptor if you are a vampire.

TLDR Better Vampires now installed, how do i undo my sunburned face

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Solène We
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Post » Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:44 am

if u have Skyui installed press esc button and go to mod configuration menu then better vampire then general options there are some options that will revert your face back to normal

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:26 pm


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Kaley X
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Post » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:24 am

Yah i found the Better Vampires option and i saw the one where i can turn on/off charred faces. But my face still didnt revert to how it used to look. Is it like the other options where i have to progress through the stages first then go back in order for the effect to take place?

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Shirley BEltran
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