Yes they are hard coded, more or less. You can get them to use more than 2 gig though by making them "Large Address Aware" using those utilities you've linked to. They will still only use up to 3 gig of physical RAM and up to 4 gig of virtual RAM though. It's just the limitation of a 32 bit program.
Oh, I have so many questions:
1.) Does a game have to be specifically designed to use Large Address Aware or will it work on all games?
2.) I take it that there is still a per application random access memory limit, in a 32 bit program, regardless of whether the operating system is 32 bit or 64 bit? In other words with a 32 bit program the operating system is irrelevant as far the per application limit goes, correct?
3.) If games eventually go 64 bit rather then 32 bit what will the per application limit be? Will it be higher or the same?
Edit4.) Prior this I've been playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with two gigabytes of memory. Now, that I have four will I be prone to these memory crashes without those utlilities?
5.) I'm seeing various other commands such as:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072
Are these the same thing or different? Should I use them in conjuction with one of the above programs or just use one or both of the commands on their own?
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz