Permanent BodiesCorpses

Post » Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:54 pm

I've just had two of my corpses disappear (despawn) on me!

I keep several bodies within the vinicity of my hearthfire home as a dormant army, but was shocked to find my Vaermina Devotees (Veren and Thorek) had despawned when I was away leaving only the bodies of Keeper Carcette, Morvarth, and Laelette left.

I even left a 'reportedly' persistent/permanent items in their inventory to stop them from despawning (Beem-Ja and Salma notes).

Does anyone know what the mechanism is behind this?

What makes a perma corpse?

Do re-spawning bodies disappear even with perma items on them?

Does storing bodies in a smaller cell help (like a basemant) or can I keep them out in the open?

Will the other aforementioned corpses disappear in time as well?

Do different corpses have a different despawn time?

Is there a way to tell if a corpse is perma?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm really getting into this necromancy thang but find it extremely frustrating when the corpses do a david copperfield on me, cheers.

*im on xbox

*i have left the bodies for more than three days previously but on this occasion they disappeard

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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:14 am

Aussie posted pretty much all the bodies that are permanent in your other thread.
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phillip crookes
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