TES: Second Great War Roleplay Idea

Post » Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:57 pm

Note: This is my second time around trying to do this, so if some of it seems familiar, you know why.


4E 201; the Dragonborn stops the dragon menace, but the Civil War rages on. The Dark Brotherhood assassinates Titus Mede II in Skyrim. It's only obvious that the Thalmor will see this as an opportune moment, so the Elder Council recalls General Tullius and his legions back to Cyrodiil to prepare for the inevitable clash; this gives Ulfric free reign in Skyrim, although the Moot does not name him High King, only as acting military adviser for Lady Elisif. Meanwhile the Thalmor begin allocating armies to Valenwood, Elsweyr, and assembles three massive fleets in northern Alinor and western Valenwood.

The first actual fighting begins during the Skyrim Massacres, led by Ulfric Stormcloak. Seizing Castle Dour gives Ulfric invaluable information regarding the Thalmor in Skyrim. He launches a simultaneous attack on several Thalmor hideouts, forts, and personally leads the attack on the Thalmor Embassy, dueling and defeating Elenwen. By the next day nearly all Thalmor agents within Skyrim have been slaughtered, reminiscent to the death of the Blades in the Aldmeri Dominion.

The Empire readies its legions along its southern borders, while High Rock sends reinforcements. Hammerfell also prepares for war and garrisons every coastal city along their southern border. Argonia is eerily quiet. And finally, it begins.

Lady Andralia, leader of the Thalmor and thus the Aldmeri Dominion, leads the first massive fleet from Alinor and attacks Stros M'kai. Second-in-command Lord Kalatar leads the second fleet to Hegathe. The third fleet blockades Anvil. By that time the bulk of the Aldmeri Dominion's forces are stationed in Hegathe, with the rest in Stros M'kai, and even fewer in Valenwood and Elsweyr. Hammerfell's forces are spread to thin to stop the attacks in Stros M'kai and Hegathe.

More Aldmeri troops march north and set up camp on Cyrodiil's southern regions, but strangely do not attack; the Empire does not attack either and decides to wait for reinforcements before engaging. At this time, Ulfric Stormcloak and a personal guard arrive in the Imperial City. Mocking the Thalmor's 'ultimatum' many years prior, he reveals the heads of every Thalmor agent in Skyrim, does not say a word, and leaves. Finally, reinforcements arrive and the Empire prepares to make a push, while the Dominion in Hammerfell decides to continue its attack and Hammerfell prepares its defenses once again...

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