I've been doing a bunch of research but I don't really know what I'm doing. I finally got a good computer that I can play games on but I'm pretty sure my graphics card needs to be better.
As far as I can tell, my specs right now are...
model: hp-210f
processor: AMD phenom II X4 945 Processor 3.0 GHz
Ram: 8GB
System type: 64 bit operating system
and the graphics card I'm using right now is a Geforce GTX460
I seem to be able to play middle end graphics but I want to run the game on Ultra High with Graphics enhancing Mods. Right now if I run it on high to ultra high with no mods the screen goes black after about ten minutes and I'm assuming it's because my card can't handle it. I want to go all out as far as Oblivion goes.
I read the list of good graphic cards in the FAQ here and to be honest I don't know what I'm looking at. Does anyone know what the best Graphics card is for oblivion and would I be able to put that in my computer? I'll be checking this thread many times tonight in the hopes that one of you knows how to help me. Thanks for reading.
P.S. I downloaded the GOTY deluxe edition off of Steam last night and that's what I've been playing. I doubt this makes a difference but maybe this detail will come in handy.