Now then, no swearing and flaming. We want a nice clean game. Also, let's not turn this in to Nords vs Imperials k?
It will probably depend on the outcome of the second war with the Dominion, however my personal opinion is that the Empire will be reshaped, and contains only human based provinces except Hammerfell.
Having in mind the leadership level of the Empire (both by his actions fault and because of the already segregated provinces), and the general trust to it is next to 0, I'd say they'll crumble even before the next war.
Besides, if the Stormcloaks win is canon, the Empire pretty much doesn't already exists. It's only Cyrodiil (and who knows what those High Rock bretons will be up to...). A quick resumee, ok?
- Morrowind: Destroyed. Also segregated? (don't remember, quite possible).
- Black Marsh: Segregated.
- Elsweyr: Mostly Thalmor territory.
- Valenwood: Same.
- Hammerfell: Segregated.
- Skyrim: Segregated.
- Summerset Isles: ...ajem...
- High Rock: ?
ohh awesome idea what idsthe next tes is with the great war 2 and the fall of the empire?
If Empire holds on to Skyrim, it can last indefinitely.
If it loses Skyrim, I don't think it will ever cease to be nominally an Empire but it will certainly lose its authority over Tamriel very soon after WW2.
We'll have to wait and see after Great War 2
Well given the trend of a major catastrophe occurring after the end of the past games (red year after Morrowind, collapse of the empire after Oblivion) I'd expect another disaster after the end of Skyrim. Also, given the devs history of allowing all player faction outcomes to be canon (warp in the west) its likely the next disaster will render the outcome of the skyrim civil war irrelevant. An obvious way of doing this is having the second great war overrun all of Tamriel, destroying the 3rd empire. Whether or not a 4th empire rebuilds itself from the ruins remains to be seen.
I'm not saying they weren't forshadowed in the games or came out of nowhwere, just that the devs used those events to reshape the political landscape after each game. And Skyrim does strongly forshadow an imminent second Thalmor invasion.
Not sure how long it'll last, but I think it is in the stages of its end as a multinational entity. Fall of the Septims, the banning of Talos, the rise of the Dominion, losing Hammerfell and now a civil war in Skyrim, their most important province(not to mention some less than favorable developments in one of the storylines in Skyrim). I don't see it hanging on very much longer.