I was trying to write a question regarding vide cards to the forum and my cat ran across my keyboard before it was finished. I apologize for the confusion.
Here is my question as I meant to write it.
I have three unused video cards . (The HIS Radeon 6850, the 7870 and the 7950.( I collect computer parts.)
I hate loud video card noise.
The 6850 has 1gb of memory the 7870 has 2, and the 7950 3.I do not know which to try. I have physical problems. so it is not easy to change cards to test them. Are their any ideas on which card would be better for me. Obviously the 7950 , which has the most memory should be the best but which card is louder/better overall. I currently have the 6850 installed and do not want to change if I can avoid it-but I do plan to use a number of mods that will increas memory use a lot. I have an ssd, does that make getting extra memory on the card unnecessary?
Also I can run the 6850 and nothing else but necessary services on on my old win xp system with 3 gb of memry free, including pagefile. On the win 7 system I plan to build soon I will have 8gb of memory. I know win 8 is the newst os of all but I try to stay one behind so I miss most of the bugs. Many thanks and Joe, my cat, says hi.