Hello all, I have been workin on a new hair for a mod i want to do and got it just about done. Got it exported as a hair file, done the EGMs for the Hat and NoHat portions, and got a texture i am basically happy with. My only problem is that in order for it to work the way i want it to i need to prevent some portions of the hair from changing color with the hair. The tutorial i have used the most in dealing with creating the hair was actually one for http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Porting_hairs_to_Fallout over from OB to Fallout. And it mentions in the section about modifying the Hair Textures how to prevent some portions from coloring..... problem is that i have tried it and it doesn't seem to want to work for me. The hair i am working on is a http://static1.nexusmods.com/130/images/130/930703-1377834746.jpg and works perfectly in game other then the http://static1.nexusmods.com/130/images/130/930703-1379036927.jpg I am using GIMP and i have tried the coloring of the alpha to black, white, and deleting that part of the alpha totally; to no avail. I have also looked at some of the other Hair files, to find a solution and am coming up empty handed. So would anyone out there know what i can do to what it is i want to do with this hair? Any advice would be appreciated.