grand theft hippo

Post » Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:25 am

i totally keep failing on a seemingly dead easy task:

getting a stolen horse's ref id.

what i tried so far:

-) to start with the obvious, GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse reports None for stolen ones, same for IsPlayersLastRiddenMount condition item.

-) start a quest with a "matching ref" alias conditioned to "isHorseStolen" and get the ref from the alias.

but: this only catches PERSISTANT refs, which most horses (leveled spawns) just aren't.

kind of hoped they'd be persistent as long as i sit on them :-), but nope.

-) cast a spell (basically a Kynes Peace ripoff) target conditioned to IsHorseStolen with a script effect to get the ref,

but OnEffectStart never runs. (are conditions run on "subject" or "target" btw? (didn't work both though anyhow)).

this not working could very well be due to my spell setup though, not too much xp with these

i also tried if OnGetUp works for horses (does not), and i tried to register for tracked stats event "Horses Stolen", but doesn't fire.

what i CAN do is get if player IS on a horse in the first place, and i can get mounts and dismounts via the according animation events,

but that doesn't help me much for getting the ref, except if there's some way to get the "other" actor of a paired ani?

(but then again, the actually firing ani event is the sound event, that'd not even be paired i fear)

my next version would be: start running GetRandomActor, fill every one in a form list to counter-compare until all close actors are through

and look if any of them applies to IsHorseStolen (unluckily, there's not even a function for this, only that condition item of dubious functionality),

but that's just so darn stupid and incredible-machine-like it gives me strong preservation to actually do it this way :-P

(and to make matters even more complicated, i need this to work on _any_ horse, also modded ones (defined by class = horse, if i didn't get that part wrong),

so like comparing to a list with all possible options in it upfront is pretty much out of the question (same for triggerbox solutions, no fixed location)

happy about any ideas, really.

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