2(maybe 3) questions that I need help with.
There's a space between the hand and forarm in my npc, it's a lot clearer in game. I'm not sure what the problem is. It's a retextured/custom glove. I think I made it light armor, not much else was changed.
I tried to make my npc use a custom fortify spell when combat starts. Here's what I did first:
That didn't work so I tried to do it via a script:
Scriptname AceCombatAI extends Actorspell Property AceSPLFortifyOneHandedLeft autoActor MyActorEvent OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)aeCombatState = 1 if aeCombatState == 1 Debug.Notification("Using the spell") MyActor.DoCombatSpellApply(AceSPLFortifyOneHandedLeft, Self); Also tried AceSPLFortifyOneHandedLeft.Cast endIfendEvent
The problem was that both didn't play any animation, it just applied the spell to the npc directly.
Any idea on how to fix or make these work the way I want?