Every now and again I pickup Morrowind from the shelf, dust it off and reinstall the game. But one thing I always wanted was a way to copy all the text in the game. Specially when you interact with the NPCs they overwhelm you with walls of text. I am dyslectic so reading all that text was annoyingly difficult and still plagues my gaming experience. If there was a way to copy the text that the game generates into clipboard I could use a voice synthesizer to basically convert the text to voice.
I searched google and in these forums for a mod for it without any success. Anyone got a tip if this have been done before or know how to make it. I have some basic java coding experience but have no idea how to go about modding Morrowind to make this work. Maybe if there is a talented modder out there that could help.
tl dr. Looking for a text to clipboard mod for use with an external program to make morrowind ingame chat text converted into voice synthesized speech.