I need a little help with an RP and I also have a question.
I am RP’ing a Dunmer named Sedryn Valvel. He is a merchant from Morrowind who has had a tragic turn of events and finds himself in Skyrim looking for his parents, who were last known to be headed there. His wife and kids died tragically in his Bruma home. I ended up in Falkreath after Helgen, couldn’t stand going to Riverwood to start one more time, plus, why would he trust an Imperial who was involved in his near execution or a Nord for that matter? Anyhow, got mixed up with Sinding and Hircine and now I have a question. If I spare Sinding, he says he can be a powerful ally. Does he actually help you later on down the road or is that just something he says. I have no use for Hircine’s ring, since I will not be a werewolf in this RP, unless it just happens. The Savior Hide, not sure either, I am not really sure what this char will be headed for, he is dabbling in bound weapons at the moment. From an RP perspective, he would not really want to cross a Daedra, so doing Hircine’s bidding seems like a right choice or does he stand up to Hircine and spare a man’s life? However, Sedryn is grief stricken by the loss of his own son and daughter and may have ill feelings towards Sinding for killing that girl.
Please help.