Help with a Dunmer RP

Post » Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:23 pm

I need a little help with an RP and I also have a question.

I am RP’ing a Dunmer named Sedryn Valvel. He is a merchant from Morrowind who has had a tragic turn of events and finds himself in Skyrim looking for his parents, who were last known to be headed there. His wife and kids died tragically in his Bruma home. I ended up in Falkreath after Helgen, couldn’t stand going to Riverwood to start one more time, plus, why would he trust an Imperial who was involved in his near execution or a Nord for that matter? Anyhow, got mixed up with Sinding and Hircine and now I have a question. If I spare Sinding, he says he can be a powerful ally. Does he actually help you later on down the road or is that just something he says. I have no use for Hircine’s ring, since I will not be a werewolf in this RP, unless it just happens. The Savior Hide, not sure either, I am not really sure what this char will be headed for, he is dabbling in bound weapons at the moment. From an RP perspective, he would not really want to cross a Daedra, so doing Hircine’s bidding seems like a right choice or does he stand up to Hircine and spare a man’s life? However, Sedryn is grief stricken by the loss of his own son and daughter and may have ill feelings towards Sinding for killing that girl.

Please help.

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WYatt REed
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Post » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:10 am

There are no real benefits to letting him live.

Quest details can be found

Culturally for Dunmer Azura, Boethiah and Mephala are important, these are called and the Dunmer worship them since the demise of the Tribunal, but there are still those who follow the teachings of the latter.

Hircine is not worshiped but also not really reviled, he is not a part of the He is not that important in the Dunmer cultural experience.

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:53 am

I knew about Azura, Boethia and Mephala, but still don't see my char crossing a Daedra prince. I am leaning towards killing SInding, mainly out of his own grief for the loss of his children. I read everything I could on Sinding and wa sreally looking to see if there was any benefit to sparing his life. It does not appear so.

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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:38 am

Just wondering, when you say you read everything you could about Sinding are you talking about in the Wikis or just from talking to everybody in Falkreath? I think i've read of several other people on the forums who claim to RP but when they need to make a decision on something the ask other people for advice or they go to wiki sites. IMO if you really want to RP you should base your decisions off of dialogue with NPCs only. Not sure if you are going to the wiki or talking to people like i mentioned, but something for you to think about.

Also if you picked up the quest from the Falkreath cemetary dont forget who you got the quest from

father and mother attending the funeral of their daughter who was killed by Sinding. For the game since i'm in a position to decide Sindings fate, i dont use a modern mindset. IRL a Judge might take things into consideration like is the accused remorseful, are they sorry they did it, did they plead guilty, stuff like that. But in roleplaying i take a simpler approach, an eye for an eye...Sinding killed somebody, now he has to pay the price. Doesnt matter if he was a willing or unwilling participant and that a Daedra was involved.

And remember what i mentioned in the first part, if you are going just off of what NPCs say you might not even know how he ended up the way he did. I dont read all his dialogue, i only read it all maybe once or twice but i dont read it anymore cause i think Beth got a *little* too detailed with his dialogue, so to me it seems kinda creepy.

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Emily Graham
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Post » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:11 am

I am rp'ing this and, like I said, I was leaning towrds killing him becaus eof my own char's grief. I was thrown off by his "Ally" comment. I usually never go to the wiki, but was intrigued. I have no use for either artifact so I was wondering what can of "ally" he would be in the future. I guess I will stick with my guiton this one and kill him. Like I said befire, do not want to cross a Daedra at this moment.

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Post » Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:36 pm

He is of no use. Kill him. It makes sense (to me) for your RP.
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