Hey guys. I'm want to give my NPC a reason to become the PC's follower. I have a basic quest in mind: lost item, help me find it, found it, thanks, I'll follow you to the death etc. When it comes to short interesting quest my imagination is clearly quite bland.
I'm sure there are a lot of non-modders out there that have great stories to tell..and this is where you come in.
If anyone has a good quest idea, please post them, I really don't want to use what I have above. If it involves an item, make the item an amulet.
Character points:
-Superiority complex
-From another dimension
-Doesn't give much info to the player character as he's been instructed not to.
Race: Non-Elder scrolls race. Looks fairly human.
Size: Very tall
Age: Possibly 100s of years old but he's supposed to look around 30-40.
He's a powerful sorcerer. Likes to control the mind of others and raise the dead.
I'm not sure what other information about the character is needed.