Looking to play a Bard type character for my next playthrough, I started looking at Mods seriously for the first time. Usually, I'll look for hair, face, and modeling mods first. This time, I looked at a lot of game changing mods, like the "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31680/?" Mod.
There are mods that add realism and immersion, add new races and out of TES lore characters, armors, weapons, and such. There is a Mod that makes Skyrim more like Morrowind adding in stats (STR, INT, WP, Birthsigns, etc) at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21587/?. And then are a bazillion mods that add cosmetic items and changes.
For the 3rd question, I am talking about the added race(s) mods, new quest mods, mods where the creator likes something from another world and adds into Tamriel.
This is just a curiosity poll, nothing serious Don't get too "picky", like "I use different mods for different characters." And this not intended to be an "IN YOUR FACE!" poll for x-box and PS3 players.