I plan to start a roleplay character tomorrow. I'll set it to hardcoe, and I'll make the character a hunter. I'll get the hunter perk, have a high guns, survival, high perception, high endurance, and trigger discipline.
I need some help deciding what weapons to use, what restrictions to have for the hardcoe RP (and hardcoe difficulty) experience. I think I'll probably use Wolfhorn Ranch as a home, but if anyone has a better idea I could easily be swayed. At this point I think she'll avoid most uncivilized people, only going into towns like goodsprings or novac to sell excess game or resupply. I'd love tips on:
Where to live
What armour to use
What weapons to use
What tag to have
What S.P.E.C.I.A.L to have
What restrictions to use
What perks to get