Hi all.
I'm about to start a new game of Skyrim (haven't played for aages!) and I wanted a challenge and some new experiences..
So I've installed skyrim redone, duel, frostfall, and a few other interesting looking mods.
From looking at a lot of youtube videos and reading comments about combat mods such as duel, deadly combat etc.. it looks like blocking and shield is VERY important.
Is this true? Do I really need to consider taking a shield everywhere or can I do fine rping a 1h, 2h, bow, mage etc?
Also with all the stagger and damage flying around in these mods, heavy armor looks way better than light. Have I missed something there?
Any hints and tips will be useful. I don't need to know what's overpowered... that defeats the point of these mods and starting a fresh game. But if you could help me avoid making a gimped character that'd be great.