So, not long ago I completed "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine"...
not long after, I got infected with Vamprism from a vampire attack, So I decided to go to the Shrine of Talos in Markarth to cure it before the end of the incubation period..
I get into the shrine, and once again a Guard approaches me giving the same dialogue i got at the end of the Forsworn Conspiracy.. I turn myself in, and am now in the same version of the Cidhna mine you are in for the quest...
but I cant escape because the door to the escape route in Madanchs cell is key-level locked, and because I am in the quest version of the cell, mining the silver won't trigger the "serve your sentence" function it should...
Fortunately, this is why I keep multiple saves....
But I have never experienced this before, has anyone encountered this odd bug?