I always forget about this until I play again. Obv theres tons of bugs and they can't fix every single one but you would at least expect the ones that break the game to be fixed. I didn't post this in the other forum because the F3 forum all together looks dead and this part is the least dead so please don't move it I doubt I wil lget a reply anyways. The glitch im talking about.....is where in the Pitt you fall through the floor if you have Point Lookout installed....Yeah its stupid...and from what I have tried in the past makes collecting all Ingots and possibly some quests impossible to complete unless you uninstall Point Lookout and wait until your done with the Pitt to install. I cant believe this never got fixed. Has anyone found a way to avoid having to do this that they remember?
and for the record....Im not a game coder but thats hilarious how weird that all works. Installing Point Lookout causes you to fall through the floor and one very small point of the Pitt? Freaking weird right?