Hey everybody,
Was getting bored with some of my standard builds and i thought i would try out a Khajitt unarmed, especially after i heard they have a choke type move that can be used while sneaking?
So anyways here is what i was thinking:
-apprentice difficulty pre-enchanted gear (once i start to enchant i will raise the difficulty up)
-heavy armor + stealth
-carriage to Riften ASAP and get the gloves
-level enchanting so i can DE the gloves ASAP and enchant my gear
-level alchy for fortify
-smithing gets leveled alongside enchanting (dwarven daggers+soul trap)
-no looping or 'clever use of mechanics' for crafting
-i'm not opposed to magic for support, but want to keep it minimal maybe only for defense and healing in combat
-Serana for primary companion (her ranged can help me out since mine will be minimal)
1) suggestions for food buff? vegetable soup?
2) suggestions for stat distribution while leveling early on? all hp? some stam?
3) how does health/stam/magicka absorb work for unarmed? do they not get any?
4) i've heard going with a VL and getting poison claws will help
5) how much of a difference does the Khajitt unarmed racial help? especially at higher levels?
6) only want to use ranged for dragons in flight nothing else...should i get a bow/xbow or build up for lightning bolt (leaning towards a crossbow)
thoughts? am i missing anything