fomod Installer Question

Post » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:43 am

Currently designing a fomod installer for my mod via an xml ModuleConfig, and I have a few quick questions if anyone else is familiar with this process.

1) Is there any way to make an option checked/selected by default, without setting its type to "Recommended" (since this results in an undesirable pop-up that tells the user that de-selecting the option will result in mod instability)?

2) Is there any way to format description text (e.g. use bold, underline, etc.)?

(And for the benefit of anyone looking up this thread in the future with similar questions: I have at least figured out that using the CRLF code will give you a line-break in the description section.)

Thanks in advance~

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:09 am

Setting this under "plugin name" will block users from unselecting it:

Setting the type in the "group name" line to "SelectExactlyOne" will ensure that at least one option under that group is selected.
If you need an example check out my mod
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:26 am

Thanks for the response isoku, and the example. You actually gave me an idea for redesigning the installer that will probably accomplish what I want to do -- I suppose I can move the option in question to a different page using "SelectExactlyOne" as you pointed out to ensure it will be checked.

For the record though, I should clarify that I was trying to do this in a group of numerous options with type "SelectAny" -- I basically want one of the list of optional choices to be selected by default, but I also want to allow the user to unselect it freely (i.e., have it act, for all intensive purposes, like an "Optional" type that is just selected to start with).

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