You need to create a distraction so you can sneak out while everyone is focused on someone else. There are a couple of ways to do this that everyone will have access to. The first is to give the Redguard you meet outside a drink, and the second is to talk to the elven serving girl, who will ask you to talk to Erikur. Either of these will allow you to cause the distraction you need. You'll also have other guests you can ask based on the quests you've done. For example, if you complete Rise in the East, you'll have the option of having Orthus Endario cause a distraction for you.
As for your gear, it's very simple: anything you give to Malborn before arriving will end up in a chest in the Embassy, where you can retrieve it and use it during your infiltration. Anything you don't give him is taken from you by Delphine at the same time she gives you the Party Clothes, and you won't have access to it until you return to the Sleeping Giant Inn after completing your infiltration.