I recently deleted all my Skyrim characters barring one, and I've made a new character of every single race just to give the game a fresh feel for me and a new chance to stick to more pure RPs. The trouble is that I'm having difficulty deciding builds (I mean real difficulty, I feel totally paralysed to really start playing as any of them because I can't decide at all. I want to do something that works, but is a little unique)
I just about have my Altmer and Khajiit sorted...
I'm using the "Whispering Fang" unarmed build for the Khajiit which involves Sneak, Alteration, Archery, Enchanting and heavy armour up to fists of steel.
For my Altmer, I'm majoring in illusion magic because I've never used that skill before. Trouble is, I can't decide whether to go down a more combat or magic route to go alongside it. I've been toying with both one-handed and archery, but other schools of magic also sound appealing to me.
For all my other characters I'm basically totally lost. Above all I'm looking for something that's a bit different and would be cool to RP.
If anyone has any inspiration at all, for any of my characters, or even just a bit of guidance, it would be greatly appreciated.