Thanks, i got really lucky with some chest loots though (especially the hidden on when doing the pale lady). at level 19 my character has
helmet: dwarven helmet of major magic
chest: steel plated armor (with magic regeneration and conjuration)
gloves: steel plated gloves (unarmed +6)
feet: steel (kinda svcks)
ring: ring of conjuration
(no necklace durring this last boss fight since i was wearing one of the fragments)
Since my character was an evil RP, he was originally ticked off when he needed a key to get in, but while traveling through winterhold he heard that the college was conducting experiments. He went in hoping that the "experiments" had to do with the saarthal ruins (seeing as it was located so close). pleased to find out that this was the first place they were going, he used the college to gain access to the ruins. upon gaining the amulet fragment i attacked tolfdir untill he fell to his knees and pretended that was me killing him(beeing a necessary character, I wasnt actually able to kill him).
-What was strange was when I attacked Tolfdir i received a bounty and notice that the college didnt like me any more (to beexpected), but upon him falling to his knees when his health hit 0, it said "all witness kiled" my bounty was subtracted, and the quest to rejoin the college was taken away (as to say they like me again).
my necromancer has the ritual stone. at first, i killed all the draugr and used the ritual stone, but it was a waist agains the first brother, he killed them all and regenerated his health all the way while doing so. so when i died and tried again, i killed all the draugr again, but saved it until the final brother. this was extremely helpful, but the stone would have been useless against the other brothers, infact i dont think i wouldve been able to beat the final brother if even one undead had died to a prior brother.
and i think the amulet is great, well worth it. +30 to all stats is great, seeing as most necklaces i tend to use only give a max of around +30 to just one .