Life in Tamriel

Post » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:40 am

I'd be an insane Khajiit rambling about "Dragons", and "Multiplayer". People would dismiss me as an idiot/heretic.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:50 pm

I'd be a male stripper.

PS: Can you use heretic in that context?
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:46 pm

Id be my main char Cabius If I don't start in Morrowind I would go back home (I RP that my Char is Native to Morrowind) find some Daedra to worship and Get infected with vampirism.

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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:10 pm

PS: Can you use heretic in that context?

I would think so... In any case... I can now :P
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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:28 pm

I thought it was specific to the catholic church. :shrug:
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Post » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:20 am

I wouldn't like to be tied down to one place, so I would wander and travel everywhere, to all the provinces. Would like to see Akavir, and if possible sail even further just to see what is there.

Assuming I lived to a ripe old age, I would return to Tamriel and write books about those places.

As for race, Nords are a favorite of mine so would have to go as a Nord.
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Ann Church
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:34 pm

To be honest, if it was actually me, then I would try and get a house and a job. I don't think I could really live the adventure's life style becasue I'm not one, even if my in-game chracter is. xD
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:32 pm

I think I'd try making friends with my game characters. They'd probably find me annoying, though...
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Post » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:57 pm

I think I'd try making friends with my game characters. They'd probably find me annoying, though...

Jiub! :hugs:

But Heretic an be used for any faith? I remember hearing it in a Halo game.

On Topic:
I would probably really just end up being a commoner, though. I'd try to be a hero, fight my first Cliff Racer (I'd live in Vvardenfell, depending on the time, naturally), and get scared and go live in Balmora. Or probably the safer Cyrodiil.

As for my race, I'd probably end up as whatever my parents are :P

Although, I'd hope to be a Dumner, purely for the awesomeness of it, and the lifespan.

I would also hope whoever is playing me on Earth would type tgm in the console ^_^

Or perhaps... I'd live in Cyrodiil, come up with my own random guild, be the guild master, come up with a quest, and tell people they have to be in the guild to take my quest, and never invite them. That way, I'd be an invincible essential, and I'd take over Nirn, spending 99% of the time unconcious! :dead:
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Post » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:15 am

I would fall under Breton, Nord or something inbetween. If it was me just thrown into Nirn and not mixing myself with characters, I would get any lowly job I could to get by. Stack crates, clean stables etc etc. If I judged only by physique, I could atleast defend myself in a lighter fight, but Im not sure I have the mentality or the experience to survive. Ive never even been in a fistfight, so I would try to stay away from trouble.

I wouldnt break the law either, if I could help it. As much as I love playing assassin and thief characters, its not something Id do myself. If I could hope for something better then working in a stable, I would consider trading, scribing, that sort of stuff. IF I had to fight with no alternative, I think I would prefer a lighter one-hand weapon along with a smaller shield, along with a ranged weapon. Perhaps a shortsword or an axe. But as said, Id avoid it.
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