This is a long running issue I thought would have been addressed by now with the many patches that have already been applied but obviously not. It's when Aela sends you out to a random den to kill an animal for a gold reward, and when you get there you find the quest marker pointing to empty space because you have recently killed said animal. And thats how it stays. Forever. If you don't have a recent save point to go back to there's no way to get out of this. You can't cancel the quest or even get a quest from another companion. In and of itself not a big deal but the point is that these quests are necessary to complete in order to get werewolf totem quests from Aela, and having spent quite a bit of time filling out the werewolf perk tree, only to find I can't get the totems because of this bug, as you can imagine I'm not best pleased. So Bethesda, if you're reading this can you please sort this out for us poor console owners in the next patch? Or if anybody knows any way round it that I missed, your help would be much appreciated.