I recently started a new character and I decided before I started this character that I did not want him to have to deal with DG or HF. I have done the DG questline a dozen times and I have no desire to do it again, not with this character anyways and we all know you can't just avoid doing the DG questline if it is there unless you want to always have to avoid towns and cities at night.
I only have DB and 1.9 installed. A few positive differences I have noticed so far is somewhat improved texture loads, a bit smaller save-game file (actually started out at only 3mb instead of 4mb and we all know the smaller the save-game file on Xbox the better) and wolves actually howl again.
One thing that perplexes me though; I know that mounted combat was an added feature with DG, yet even though I don't have DG installed I am still able to draw my weapon while mounted..
I know this is question is random and does not necessarily indicate a problem but is this right, or is it an indication that perhaps when I uninstalled everything and reinstalled only DB and 1.9 maybe certain fragments of DG content was left behind which may therefore cause problems for me as I progress?
Or, do certain minor features included in addons, like mounted combat, become embedded in the standard coding as post patches are released and will be present whether you have that addon or not?
This really is a curiosity question more than anything.
(edit) P.S. I just realized that this thread probably should have been started in general discussion since it is not necessarily an Xbox specific question, sorry.