Help - what have I got myself into?

Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:57 pm

I was running around a dwarf ruin and I see a contraption that tells me I don't have what it takes to open it. So I google quick thinking - it's a key in chest somewhere that I missed. Instead I find it's an old man in a cave north of Winterhold. The YouTube vid says I can unlock the dwarf contraption if I talk to this Septimus Signus. Easy enough. But when I talk to him he doesn't just hand me a key to all mysteriously locked dwarf contraptions like I hoped. He says I'm to go a questing yes I am. So I read up on him and he's a devil worshiper on the outs with his demon lord. Said demon lord is going to be looking at me like a nice new piece of meat. But I'm role playing a nice goody-two-shoe character that tries to avoid the lower regions of hell.

This is sad but I actually don't even know what the Elder Scrolls are. I just thought it was the name of the series. Seems it's some kind of a book? Yeah, I played Oblivion, but I didn't finish. Got bored.

So, umm, can I avoid becoming a demon's pet and still use the "key" to open any dwarf underworld? Should I ignore Septimus' go a questing? I just want to run around exploring dwarven ruins, not be a demon's pet.

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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:12 pm

I think you will have to work with Septimus before you can obtain the Elder scroll and advance through the main quest of giving Alduin a bit of what for. It might be very difficult not to get those goody two shoes dirty. You might possibly be able to console command your way through if you are playing on pc but I'm not sure about that.

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lacy lake
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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:24 am

What's a little taint on your soul?

Besides, you can refuse said "demon" if you wish. It makes no difference in the end.

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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:00 am

first, Its not a "Demon Lord", Demons do not exist in TES, Neither does Hell...

the main difference between the Daedra (which you are calling demons) and the Aedra (Such as the nine divines) is the Daedra refused to take part in the creation of Mundus (the Universe), so still maintain their full power..
so the Daedra are just another type of god, just like Akatosh or Talos...
and one does not "go to hell", when one dies they either go to the Dreamsleeve (Reincarnation), or go to the realm of who they worship (Followers of the Nord Pantheon may be allowed into Sovngarde, Followers of Nocturnal would go to the Evergloam)..


as to your question:

when you get the device from him just never go back to talk to him afterwards (as long as you don't return after obtaining the "key" he gives you you will never encounter the Daedric Prince he worships)..

Bonus Fact:

you said you were not sure what the Elder Scrolls are, they are powerful Scrolls that are said to contain what was, is, and will be (also know as the Aedric Prophecies) and are some of the most precious relics on all of Nirn.. however, reading them can, and quite often will, render the reader blind.. is a good link to learn what they are

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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:22 pm

I have a pet Imp Dog that might as well be a hell hound for as much as he sticks his bloody nose in my buttcrack. I know this isn't a literal heaven and hell. What I mean is I'm playing a righteous minded character. A paladin of sort. I wont waste you time going into his personal story line that I made up for him myself but he sees Daedra as evil. I just used humorous (to me idc if it is to anyone else) vernacular representing the daedra; ie: demons. Formed this low opinion of them when having to deal with them in Oblivion. So it's my sarcasm not necessarily a confusion of real life religions with Bethesda fiction lore. No promise on that tho. I did find you informative, funnybunny, even tho you insulted my comprehension. My dilemma is keeping my char righteous. Also wanted to know how to get into the under cities of dwarf land and if I really held the key.

Goodies. I think I'll ignore this quest's progression since I have not even progressed the main story line. Not one single dragon in my world (well there was one in a cave).

I'm on Xbox. No cheats.

Thx all for prompt reply.

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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:42 am

I was in no way Insulting your Comprehension, I am sorry if it came across as such.. I just intended to correct a misconception alot of players have :)

Like I said though, after talking to Signus you in no way associate yourself with Hermaeus Mora.. you will only make contact with him upon your return.
so, what most of us who play good aligned characters do is go talk to Septimus to get the "key", go grab the Elder Scroll, and just never return to Septimus..
that way all you are doing is grabbing a key from a man who is a few watts short of a light-bulb, and not associating with the Daedric Prince

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Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:06 pm

Well... Your goodie-two-shoes character doesn't know that Septimus worships Mora, not at first. Keep that in mind. ;)

(One of my characters thought she would help his madness by helping him, hoping to be able to get him back to civilization afterwards. She failed, of course. But it's possible to find reasons why a good character does things that maybe not was so good in the end - they tried to do the right thing, but failed.)
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