How to decide which RNAM Race record is the right

Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:20 pm

I realized i had a lot of old, now unsupported helmet, circlet, amulet, hood etc. mods in my load order, and not all of them have "default race" as their RNAM record.

the point is: i don't know what this setting actually does. the head gear all seem to have their various armoraddons set up with entries for all beast races (and sometimes even osrimer), so care seems to have been taken to ensure beast race compatibility.

but why for example should one circlet suddenly have "khajit" as Race rocord, while all the others are set to default race?

i think i should go through the mod entries and clean them up. but i don't know if i could safely set everything to default or not.

so, the question is this: what does this flag do precisely? what happens, when the flag is not set to default race?

i'm glad for any help you could offer


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