» Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:04 am
Hmm, that's interesting, I had not thought of changing the spell property on the fly. I need to finish soon though so waiting for an update is not going to work for me. I was hoping there would be some way to apply/remove it as a visual effect? Not sure how to reference the players hands though.
Edit1: looks like they are 'art objects' instead... Maybe I could create a visual effect out of the art object? Doesn't sound like something I could finished tonight though...
Edit2: Ok, that worked... Sortof... Just need to be able to reference the hands now so it attaches there instead of at my feet...
Edit3: Looks like only way to reference hands is as a equip node 33. I guess I could make the player equip the art object as an enchantment... Probably would create problems though. I guess it is either that or hoping for an skse update this week...