Prevent player from attacking when staggered

Post » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:59 pm


As the title says, I wish to prevent the player from attacking when he is staggered. Meaning: even if you smash the attack button as if there was no tomorrow, no attack animation would be played as long as you are staggered.

By 'staggered' I mean the default stagger that plays when you are bashed or receive a powerattack. I know there is another type of stagger that prevents attacking by default but I don't want to use this one since it also disables movement.

I had the inuition that going to the idle manager and imposing to the right and left attacks and powerattacks that they can't play if IsStaggered = 1 would do the trick but, unfortunately, it didn't work.

Does anybody have some ideas of how this attack prevention when staggered would be achieved?

Many thanks in advance!

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