Hello all:
Please forgive me. I have just recently gotten back in gaming, and it has changed quite a bit. At least for me. I recently played Dragon Age (Admins: If unacceptable to mention other games here, please remove the name with my apologies.) and loved it. So I decided to try Skyrim. First change was Steam. DA did not have it; but, Skyrim does.Thankfully, they have an offline mode,as I always do not have internet connections on the road. I had to regiter there, which I did, and the game is able to recognize and login. So my questions are the following:
1: With Dragon Age, I was able to go to the website and download any patches created by the Manufacturer, and then install them locally on the PC. I have gone to Skyrim and the Steam website, and did not see this option available. Is it done behind the scenes, or am I going to the incorrect location?
2: How can I tell what version of Skyrim I have on my PC, and what the latest version availble is?
3: I am currently playing on an older PC, that does meet Skyrim's requirements; however, I am more than likely getting a new PC in 1/2 year. With DA, I could save the files on a disc or flash drive, and then install them on the new one. Load the game, and start right back where I left off! Can this be done with Skyrim too?
Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.