I've been running Skyrim on my main PC since last summer. I have about 90 mods installed, both through Steam and through NexusMods. The game runs flawlessly on my big desktop PC. Now, here's the onion.
I have a good laptop I use for travelling (I travel for a living) that is well past the specs to run Skyrim. I installed Skyrim via Steam and all my mods through Nexus, matching exactly what was on my desktop, and it ran (also) flawlessly for some time.
Until now. I haven't installed any new mods on either machine, but now every time I try to use my laptop to load a game, Skyrim shows the loading screen and then crashes to desktop. My desktop is still running Skyrim normally. Again, nothing has changd on either machine (except saving games) since I last used the laptop. I tried uninstalling Skyrim, reinstallingvia Steam, reinstalling all my Nexus mods, syncing up and restarting - same problem, I get a loading screen and crash to desktop. I am running SKSE and SkyUI among other mods.
My question: What's the best way to clone the obviously functional install on my desktop over to my laptop? Barring that, how can I diagnose why the laptop is crashing every time I try to load the game?
Any advice would be appreciated. Skyrim makes boring nights in a hotel room much more tolerable.