Soooo, this is the cousin to my thread on the best realism mods which yielded excellent results!
I installed 'duel' and bumped up the game difficulty in order to make combat more immersive.
BUT I did get a few "haha nubcakes, y u no maek install better kombat mods?!"
And I agree! I was hoping for an overhaul of sorts...
So I popped open the Nexus page of combat mods and there are tons of options...
Can you guys help me find what I am looking for?
I want:
1. A combat overhaul that won't tax my system further, I'm set on not reducing graphics as I really like how the game looks right now and I bottom at 30 fps in the open world.
2. I'm not overly concerned with 'new' attacks, like tons of animations and biting my opponent's face etc etc
3. I AM interested in better AI and slower, more thoughtful battles. Maybe like a realistic fatigue and health feature??
Thanks in advance! Love you guys <3