I hope this is in the right area for this question, the question is, I am leveling up on destruction on Serana because I am mad at her, so it makes an easy ice spike at her! I am not for sure how long I play at a time, but it seems to where I've only been playing like for 3 hours, is there a time frame from where the xbox gets hot enough to where it shuts off? It may also be a bug also, she came in with the monk robes I gave her though in Fort Dawnguard, the only thing is that she bugs out every time I ask her to follow again, it's just the plain old, "do you need something?" That is kind of why I am using ice spike on her, I wasn't planning on using destruction that much, but I got mad at her and walla, she may not be able to be taken out of the game, but it is sure fun staggering her, any thoughts on the game freezing?