Did not finish the main quest line for dragon born. Barely started it. Like, I'm at the part where you climb up a hundred stairs to talk to grey beards. Way later many quests yet to come I am suppose to get an elder scroll for someone and eventually sell it to the College Librarian (grumpy orc dude).
But ... but ... but ... I downloaded Dawnguard and they need that same Elder Scroll which the Dawnguard expansion has renamed the Dragon Elder Scroll. What should I do? If I turn the Dragon Elder Scroll (assuming I can find it and I think I can) in to the Dawnguard will they give it back so I can use it in other quests?
Sry if it seems like I'm spamming the forums with questions. Noticed less and less people are trying to answer - don't know if I've offended or if I'm coming up with questions to fast. I think I'm posting in the right section.