I recently fell through the world while running somewhere outside of Fort Greenwall. When I finished falling I opened the map and it said that my current location was way up in the sky just south of Riften. I fast traveled to a different town to try and see if that could fix it and it didn't work. I fast traveled then to the Throat of the world cause i though that with me being stuck in the sky i'll go to the highest point on the map... well that didn't work either. I restarted the game and when I loaded up the save I was in the Sleeping Giant Inn in Whiterun. (Great!)... except now I can't look left/right/up or down but when I try i can see my compass rotating, also: I'm stuck in 3rd person so I cant target anything like say the door to get out. I've tried clearing the cache and that didn't work, I was able to target the alchemy table and use it but it didn't fix anything and sitting/sleeping didn't fix anything either. Can somebody help me out? I'm level 18 and for some reason the game saw fit to save over one of my manual saves at lvl 17 and now my earliest manual save is at level 14. Would rather not have to replay all that crap again.