I started the quest 'Missing in Action' in Whiterun which is one of my favorites - a good fight, a rescue, and tons of loot. However, before you get to the good stuff, you have to do some sneaking and find the evidence. My level 39 PC found the required evidence undetected and noticed some tempting silver ingots at the same time. She doesn't do magic which means no Transmute spell which means silver is extremely rare (more so than ebony, actually). She nabbed the silver, turned in the evidence and proceeded out of the city for the next stage of the quest.
She wasn't even at the Whiterun carriage when some thugs showed up to teach her a lesson ( hi-larious ). After the fight, she looted them and turned back to Whiterun to sell everything but the guards at the gate were hostile and arrested her. She opted to pay the fine etc. etc.
So how did I get busted? There were no witnesses and she has no other bounty in the hold. I've done the Thieve's Guide quest before where you steal tons of stuff (though I've never indulged and nabbed extras) without getting caught. Does the game differentiate between quest required theft versus gratuitous theft? I've never stolen for the heck of it, is it always this tough or was this just circumstances?