How to stick with the game?

Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:51 am

Hey all,

First post here :) Just thought I'd throw this out there. Basically I really can't get into Skyrim, it's weird because I think it's an awesome game, and it's one I'd really like to finish but for some reason whenever I start a game I do the first few quests on the main storyline and then just get bored..

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem? And if so what do you do to make it fun? The most fun I have is when I put myself into the personality of my character and try to play as if I were my character, and I also use the 'Duel: Combat Realism' mod to enhance immersion a bit.

It's an odd question, I'm sure, but I would love to play this fantastic game properly.


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Kill Bill
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:40 am

I have this problem with Skyrim too, I give it a break from time to time when I stop having fun and realize things are getting tedious.

Mind telling what exactly gets you into droll mode? combat? traveling? quests? with more information, more assistance could be provided beyond the "give it a break" don't try to force it. thats my issue with most folks who respond to threads like this, most of the advice is some kind of faux/forced gimmick to get interested in the game.

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:21 pm

I'd say combat generally bores me in Skyrim, which is why I use that mod which makes combat much better (in my opinion), so other than that I'm not sure, I think it's probably the quests to be honest.. The furthest I've gotten into the main storyline was the Thalmor Embassy I think.


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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:20 am

This is called Role PLaying and it is the crux of the game. Not the quests, not the combat, not the exploration (although that is enough right there), it is playing the world the way that you want to.

Now, you say you have the most fun being yourself in your character, I would agree that most of us have fun that way too. However, how much fun could you have if you played like you were another person? Go against type, if your a nice person, be mean in the game, if you tend to help people, then don't help them, instead be a jerk to them. Do things as your character that you would never do in the real world, because you can.

There are people I know who will spend hours developing a character, and it's not the stats or skills they spend time on, it's the role and the rules for that role that they spend the most time on. Who are they, what will they do, what won't they do, what they might do if given the right incentive, those kinds of things. You will also find that these characters will not do the entire game, but only parts of it. Entire factions may be ignored by a certain character build.

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:13 am

One I like is using the character and skills I like. The other is keeping the challenge up. But I get bored too.

Changing character types might offer some added fun. Play a mage, or other type of mage. Play an archer. Sword and board. etc....

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bonita mathews
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:45 am

Yeah I usually try to roleplay.. however I'm usually playing a character that suits my personality, so that's a pretty interesting idea, I'll have to try that later!

I've considered playing a mage, but every time I start using magic I feel the urge to unsheathe my sword and paint it red, haha. May try archery, though I'm not great with a bow (yet)

Thanks :)


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Andrea P
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:40 am

Roleplaying adds much more life to your game. Good on you for trying it.

I would recommend a different playstyle. Or maybe just play a different game until you feel the urge to play Skyrim again.

Ever since GTA V came out, I haven't even popped in Skyrim into the tray.
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:13 am

I used to have that problem a lot when I first started playing. Resulting in loads of characters started then dropped.

The problem I found was the quest lines combined with the perks. The limitation on the number of perks you could have always caused a conflict when I was trying to RP a character, it would have been better to have crafts not combined with the perks.

Too many things were immersion breaking. If you wanted dragons, you had to do the first part of the main quest which was a problem if you wanted have dragons yet do your own thing.

Used to play on master level so some of the issues I had created, like getting killed with one hit sometimes, but combat from horse back (melee, archery, magic doesn't work) tended to even things up a bit. Still can't understand why a horse can't go backwards.

Also found fast travel tended to make the whole game pointless, zoom around doing tasks and the RP just vanishes and the you start to question what's the point.

Because of the way the quest lines were made and a number of other facts that I'm sure a lot of people have come across, there are too many things that break immersion. Skyrim is a very good game in a lot of ways but it's not a very good RPing game.

Edit: Of course I'm talking about the game with no unofficial mods added.

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:21 am

It's an understandable issue - the game world is huge and reasonably fleshed out considering its size, but the gameplay is incredibly dull unless you find creative ways to twist it into something more entertaining.

I'd argue the best method of combat is using magic and sneak liberally, as a sort of manipulator - the AI is not fun to fight head on, so don't bother. Use illusion, conjuration, sneak, and archery. The end perks for each should look something like this -,198,0,0,0,29s6bk,7qww,0

Add the crafting skills in at your leisure for optimal durability/damage and you end up with something like this -,198,m73im8,e0o,0,29s6bk,7qww,0

Stealth, archery, magic aren't exactly well implemented but they're in a better place than melee.

You can completely ignore non-combat skills without missing much, but the best ones to pick, for convenience, are probably these -,0,0,0,0,0,0,5bero

Maybe add bribery in there if you want to steal a lot for whatever reason - it's not particularly rewarding and the crime system is so dull it's trivial emptying everyone's pockets but whatever floats your boat.

As for roleplaying, I feel like ignoring it is a good way to start the game while you get a feel for everything else. Screw around and figure everything out first while you learn how the game works and how it doesn't. Some elements of the game just aren't very conducive to attempting to seriously roleplay anything, and you can end up very bored if you're trying to role play a character that's focused on any the less complete elements of the game.

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:15 pm

While I do love Skyrim and everything about it, I find that character creation, being able to develop my character the way that I set out to is very satisfying.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:38 pm

The inability to "get into the game" and of boredom that many of you are feeling is exactly why I recently made a post here to discuss the problems with Skyrim and the overall direction of the TES franchise.

In Skyrim, there is little immersion to be had without forcing it on the game yourself via role-play. The people of the world don't react to you realistically, exploration is pointless, the quest indicators hold your hand throughout the game (which is part of why exploration is pointless), the rewards are apathetic, etc, etc. It is basically a hack and slash title instead of this grand, immersive RPG that we have come to expect from the Elder Scrolls franchise.

At least, what we used to expect.

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:26 am

This. I've played 30+ character, each one with different goals, ideals, etc.

Don't just do anything and everything you can in the game, ask yourself if your character would do it, and STICK TO IT. Yes that piece of Daedric armor would give you better protection, but would your character actually want to wear it, and carry the stigma of wearing such an item? Or maybe your Orc just likes orcish armor and doesn't trust any other kind. Just upgraded it and only use it. Maybe your Nord fears magic and wouldn't try to cast a spell if his life depended on it. Purhaps your Dunmer gives great respect to the dead and never robs the burrows or the urns within. Maybe your Khajiit will never enter walled cities because he fears being enclosed (played a character like this, loved it. Couldn't do the MQ but still plenty to do in Skyrim). Etc. and etc.

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Post » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:25 pm

My advice would be, not to bite off more then you can chew. Take it slowly. Skyrim is an immensely vast game, the are literally hundreds of dungeons to raid and quests to complete, if you try and do the main quest in one big lump it's not going to work and you probably will get bored. Do a bit of the main quest and then adventure for a bit.

I have to say though, i feel your pain, i get bored of skyrim sometimes, when i do i usually take a break/play something else or do another activity.

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:50 am

Thing is it doesn't really matter how much there is to see and do in the world if the ways about doing and seeing them are one dimensional and boring. I personally don't want to throw a gimmick at you but aside from searching up quest mods and a heavier Combat mod there's really not much else that can be done.

I would recommend Dragon Combat overhaul/Erkiels(sp) Dragon over haul/ and deadly Dragons, yes those three together = arguably for me the best Dragons in any game ever, they turn into even more massive health sponges (for me and not in a good way) with these mods on but their predictability goes out the window for the most part.

Try out Immersive patrols if you don't already have it, or OBIS (I never used it) they help with Immershuntm and give more breath to the world same goes for any monster mods that suite your fancy, I go with the immersive versions of them. ah and any wildlife behavior overhaul mod that you might like.

you can get more sound advice for forcing yourself to make up for the games faults Roleplaying from someone else, I don't know how to force roleplay ;p

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Post » Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:41 am

Some good advice in this thread, and here's another (if it's not been mentioned): Don't do the main quest.

Either, you could focus completely on another questline and make that your character's "main" questline. Just pick one. :smile:

Or, you could make up your own goals. It could be things like get all Deadric artifacts, or collect all Dragon Priest masks (ok, that would demand you to actually finish the MQ, but just look at it as an example). You could be a mercenary who does bounty work for a Jarl in a hold, or all holds if you like that better. You could be an archaeologist who explores Dwemer ruins with his or her combat-skilled assistant (aka follower). You could be a hunter, who just explores the countryside and sell pelts and meat from animals you've killed. You could be a bounty hunter who goes after the ten treasure maps, and other treasures you hear rumors of. You could be a travelling merchant who buys and sells stuffs,or an artisan or alchemist who crafts and sell stuff.

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