Does it matter when to take the Necromage perk for the added boost to the skills of my Vampire?
I keep hearing and reading conflicting statements that one MUST level Restoration to 70 FIRST in order for the skills to get the boost. I would think that I doesnt matter, but wanted to know what you all think of this.
I have yet to level Restoration to 70 on my current Vampire build because I am still in the process of training and developing the characters abilities. She is currently at the following levels:
60 Illusion - All perks taken except for Expert, Master, Rage, Master of the Mind (8 Perks total)
61 Conjuration - Novice, Apprentice and Mystic Binding (3 Perks total)
30 Destruction - Novice, Apprentice (2 Perks)
52 Restoration - Novice, Regineration (2 Perks)
42 Alteration - Novice, Apprentice (2 Perks)
29 Light Armor - 1 perk Agile Defender (wasted perk since I wil be going with Robes) (1 Perk)
49 Sneak - 1/5 Stealth up Deadly Aim (3 Perks)
Currently, she's at level 25 with 3 perks available. Not sure if I should 1) stop everything and focus on leveling Restoration to 70; 2) continue as is in building her skills; or 3) start perking Enchanting (currently lvl 51 with no perks)
What would you guys do?